Monday, December 22, 2008

Winter Wonderland...

It snowed like crazy today. I spent a couple hours getting ready for work, only to get stuck in the driveway and never made it there. I guess I should think ahead, before barreling out of the garage and think I can make it out. There was a good 7-8 inches. So here I am stuck halfway in the road but most of my car in the snowbank that the nice snowplows made. Luckily, my new neighbor came out to help me. They moved two days before, what a nice way to meet them, huh? Then the ambulance drove by and the paramedics stopped to help us. I was so embarrassed because I didn't even have a snow shovel. We finally got it back into the garage and there it stayed. Chris and I went and bought a shovel tonight. I hope tomorrow morning goes better. Anyway, this weekend we went to Chris' family party. Here are some pics of the family. Chris and I took Braeleigh (my sister Ashley's daughter) so we wouldn't be left out of the kids present exchange.
Our nephew Payson
Our Christmas Tree, I wish I could keep it up all year.

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